Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie and Prince Charles visited the Rose Garden at Munsbach Castle for the baptism of a rose in honor of the birth of Prince Charles. In 1891, a tradition arose that certain roses were named after members of the Grand Ducal Family. In order to perpetuate this custom, a rose “Prince Charles of Luxembourg” was baptized following the birth of the son of the Hereditary Couple.
The Rose Garden was built in 2017 by the Luxembourg Rose friends (Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn) in collaboration with the municipality of Schuttrange on a plot of land at the base of the Castle of Munsbach, which is owned by the State. The aim of the garden is to collect old and new varieties of Luxembourg roses in order to preserve the national rose heritage.
One Night in RomeWhat would you do if you have one night to spend in Rome?
Bernini's Barcaccia fountain on Piazza di Spagna.
It would be difficult to cho…