WIWT - Monochrome

My Midlife Fashion, Alice Temperley Somerfield pleated bib blouse, zara boucle jacket, the kooples studded belt, zara distressed boyfriend jeans, ash jessie ankle boots

My Midlife Fashion, Alice Temperley Somerfield pleated bib blouse, zara boucle jacket, the kooples studded belt, zara distressed boyfriend jeans, ash jessie ankle boots

Jacket - Zara
Blouse - Somerset 
Belt - The Kooples
Jeans - Zara
Boots - Ash

Monochrome, My Midlife Fashion, Shop My style, ash jess ankle boots, boden virginie ruffle blouse, hush boyfriend jeans, jaeger textured jacket

Jacket - Jaeger
Blouse - Boden
Belt - Mango
Jeans - Hush
Boots - Ash

Happy Thursday ladies I don't know about you but I've got that one more sleep until the weekend feeling :-)

I'm bringing out a few golden oldies today & styling an old boucle jacket with a pretty pleated frill blouse, boyfriend jeans & ankle boots.

Here's wishing you all a fab day & I'll see you tomorrow.

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