Philippines: Manila Musings from the Taxi

I tend to jump my posts in this blog from one holiday, country and city to another. Sorry about that. It really has something to do with efficiency and lean management of this blog, and well I have to admit, hormonal factors as well playing on my part. How fast I can recollect the particular trip activity, how quick I can translate it to writing, the number of pictures I need to work on (quick edit and upload), and well lastly, my mood. On top of that, I best prefer some variety; it makes blogging fun and entertaining =)

So while I am not done with my Vietnam posts and close to a 200 backlog holiday posts, allow me please to jump over to Manila, Philippines.

Manila has been our gateway for the Vietnam trip. We passed here enroute to Ho Chi Minh City and we even layovered a couple of hours at the Wings Transit Lounge for some much needed sleep and rest. On our way back we stayed in Makati to spend our New Years. I will of course blog everything, but for now I would like to talk about the little taxi ride we took from the airport to Makati and how this seemingly trivial event opened up a new world for me.

Manila has taught me much in the past. I am ever so grateful. She adopted me, molded me, disciplined me and watched me grow and become into who I am today.

Just for reference: Manila is a large conurbation; it is network of small and big cities. Makati City, part of Manila (often called as well as GMA - Greater Manila Area) is the central business district of the country.

From NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport, also called Manila International Airport), we took the usual taxi to our hotel in Makati, the Makati Diamond Residences which was by the way gorgeous.

Now I have heard very negative stories about the taxis at NAIA. When I got out of the airport, the private taxi touts literally were all over my hair. Their offer? Php 1,200 (€22.50) for 4 people to Makati, which of course was ridiculous because the usual taxi, yellow taxi or not will be between Php350-400. I do suggest giving some tip and make it generous if it’s traffic.

However, Manila is known to be the deadliest city in the world when it comes to being stuck in traffic.  Read here from BBC: Manila voted worst city to drive on Earth. This is the reason why most taxi drivers ignore the meter and will instead negotiate with the passenger. Quite understandable though, as they need to make a living as well.

We were however lucky because we arrived on New Years’ Eve, which means it’s a non-working day and there is no traffic on the road. Literally no traffic. The driver asked if it’s okay to drive via the skyway because its faster (charge for an additional toll fee). I told him its fine.

As we drove on the skyway, buildings start to emerge in the horizon. Tall buildings. Many were new and some looked a bit outdated. But I do not seem to know these buildings. I have never seen before.

You know, I was very excited to see Manila again. It has been 7 years since my last visit together with the Dutchman, and 15 years ago since I left for the Netherlands. Manila was my home for a decade, but suddenly the landscape that I called home is unrecognisable.

I looked outside the window hoping to see something that I can remember, but I am left dazed and a bit unsettled with all the unfamiliar buildings and infrastructure. I felt like I am treading into the unknown. I was not even sure where we were passing, although I vaguely remember a part of the skyway before.

I am seeing a different Manila; a Manila that I know nothing about.

I remember what Dutchman told me recently as I was having a nostalgia moment about my childhood – “It is not how it used to be. It is not there anymore when you go back.” And by this he meant about my life before in the Philippines. They are now far away memories.

As I continued to look outside the window, and taking a few pictures as well for posterity, which I always do in my travels, I suddenly experienced a notch in my stomach, like a hollow feeling. A feeling of distant and removed. I rummaged through the feelings in my head, trying to make sense of all the cascading waterfall of emotions that is sending cold showers of realisations. I am the logical type of person and I always have the need to translate and justify my emotions into facts.

The truth is... Manila has become a stranger to me.

Have you ever felt that way to a city you have always called home?

For the rest of the taxi journey, I sat back in my seat and pondered on this new reality. I am but a visitor here. I do not belong here anymore. It felt so strange. And I felt sad. On the other hand, I am sure we can all draw similar comparisons to our life situations as well.

So I am bit heartbroken. It’s the bitter realisation that a city (once) close to me... has become now quite far away, from away from me.

A few pictures below from the taxi:

Travel Period: December 2016
Destination: Manila, Philippines

Keep in touch and follow me on Facebook: Travel & Lifestyle Diaries by Dutched Pinay Travels
Happy Travels! Enjoy Life =)

All pictures were taken by a point and shoot pocket camera or a smartphone.

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