According to a recent decree of The Brussels Court of Appeal, Delphine Boël -extramarital daughter of King Albert II and Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps- can now call herself Princess of Belgium. Her children Joséphine and Oscar will also receive that title and from now on, they may bear the surname of ‘de Saxe-Coburg’. They can also use the prefix of "Royal Highness” and the title “Prince(ss) of Belgium"
On October 5, 2020, Delphine de Saxe-Cobourg Gotha attended a press conference in Brussels. According to the Belgian press, the children will continue to use the last name of their father, O’Hare, in combination with the title. Her new official name will be Delphine of Saxe-Coburg. Her children Josephine and Oscar will also be recognised as Princess and Prince with the style of Their Royal Highness.
Delphine has been fighting to be recognised as the daughter of King Albert II, who abdicated in favour of his son King Philippe in 2013, for many years. Because she was born out of wedlock, the Princess and her descendants are not eligible for the line of succession to the Belgian throne. Princess Delphine got married to James O'Hare in 2003. They have two children, namely, Princess Joséphine of Belgium (born in 2003) and Prince Oscar of Belgium ( born in 2008).