So back to my 10th edition of My Daily Life in the Netherlands. It is winter season!
The Dam Square and Dam Palace in Amsterdam taken in December.
Lots of dinners at home during the cold months.
The culprit: Real life gets in the way. Always. The Dutchman and I are also in a very busy period now with the house. It will only get busier because the house will be delivered in 2 weeks time. I am very excited! But I can also feel the enormous stress building up. Just thinking about the tasks at hand is overwhelming. Because we are not selling our current place (we plan on renting this out), we will have to do some renovations on top of the work that we will be doing for our new house. Plus we both work full time with demanding jobs. Luckily, we do not have kids. A blessing in disguise? Haha.
This blog will suffer for sure. I am already missing it, seriously. I used to post regularly, like almost every day. Nowadays, I am super drained when I get home and I just can't focus on blogging. But I love blogging. I love journaling a part of my life and posting the pictures I made... so I will definitely keep doing this when I have the time.
Nevertheless, here are some snapshots of my winter months: November, December, January, and February.
[To read the rest of the post and see more pictures, click the READ MORE link below]
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