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EOS VIP Non-Surgical Face Lift Machine * - get 15% off with code MMLFASHION15
Morning ladies & happy Sunday. Today's post is a beauty one & a review on a product I've been using over the last 7 weeks. I know alot of people praise the benefits of a touch of botox as the signs of aging start to hit but for me I just don't want to go down that route (although I suppose you can never say never!). Not because I love the way my skin looks as the signs of aging starts to kick in but because I hate injections & also worry about the future impact injecting botox into our skin will have. So when I was recently approached to see if I'd like to trial the EOS VIP Non-Surgical Face Lift Machine I didn't hesitate in saying yes. After all at worst I wouldn't see any change & would have lost some of my time but of course at best there would be some improvements.
Using LED facial technology to stimulate collagen production, the machine has been clinically proved to visibly reduce wrinkles, fine lines & rejuvenate the skin over a 7 week period.
So that I & you can accurately see the results here's a before picture - make up & touch up free! Yes I look absolutely shattered (I'd been out the night before & only had 3 hours sleep!!) & you can probably tell that I'm not loving the fact hubby is zooming in on a knackered make up free face! Not my best picture but it should help see what if any results the machine gives.
Using the device is really simple. For the first 3 weeks you use it for 20 minutes every other day, 3 times a week. Splitting the time into 5 minutes on your one side of face & undereye area, another 5 minutes on the other side, 5 minutes on your forehead & 5 minutes on your neck. The device is placed onto clean, product free skin & you simply move the device slowly in circular motion to the area you are treating.
The treatment is completely painfree & you just feel a warm feeling from the device on your skin, which I found to be quite relaxing & calming. Afterwards it left my face a little pink, as if I'd been out for a walk in the cold & come back in with a rosy glow, which quickly disappeared.
The treatment is completely painfree & you just feel a warm feeling from the device on your skin, which I found to be quite relaxing & calming. Afterwards it left my face a little pink, as if I'd been out for a walk in the cold & come back in with a rosy glow, which quickly disappeared.
After the initial 4 weeks you then use the device every 3 days (twice a week) for another 3 weeks & then after this at least once a month or when required for maintenance.
So did the treatment work? Well here's a picture of my skin after the initial 7 week period, again make up & touch up free.
I have to say I'm really pleased with the results, especially on the lines on my forehead & jaw, which are far less pronounced. Also my skin overall is a lot smoother too. Now that I have finished the initial 7 week period I plan on continuing using the device once a week to maintain the results. Like I mentioned earlier I find the warmth of the device really relaxing so see it as a little bit of a pamper session that I'd really miss if I didn't do it at least once a week.
For further information on the device see here & if you're tempted to 'click the button' remember to use the unique discount code MMLFASHION15 at the checkout to get 15% off :-)
Back to today & it's a simple Sunday look of all blue with a splash of leopard.
So did the treatment work? Well here's a picture of my skin after the initial 7 week period, again make up & touch up free.
For further information on the device see here & if you're tempted to 'click the button' remember to use the unique discount code MMLFASHION15 at the checkout to get 15% off :-)
Back to today & it's a simple Sunday look of all blue with a splash of leopard.
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