starting November 7, Monday to Friday at 9 PM
Star Movies Select HD has been staying true to its promise of impeccable curation by showcasing the best, sometimes even never seen before movies with just one simple intention – delighting our discerning audience every single time. We set standards of storytelling so high that, it has inspired a lot of others to try and re-invent the art of movie showcasing business.
Can you imagine ‘Love’ in any other way than the aching feeling felt in ‘Casablanca’ or ‘Space’ as showcased by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey?
The charismatic line up of the festival includes some of the biggest Academy Award winning titles like - Goodfellas, 2001:A Space Odyssey, Chariots of Fire, Full Metal Jacket, Casablanca, As Good As it Gets, Star Wars IV: A New Hope to name a few.
Sometimes, you need to surrender yourself to the sheer brilliance of these magnificent stories told by some of the best storytellers of our time – let’s take a walk with these greats on a journey that will change the way you look at the world, every Monday to Friday starting November 7, with ‘Films To See Before You Die’ at 9 PM only on Star Movies Select HD