Morning ladies today I thought it would be of interest to talk about those extra few pounds most of us have probably gained over the Christmas festivities. As unless you're incredibly lucky & highly controlled in what passes your lips during all the celebrations you've probably gained some weight & no doubt like me one of you resolutions is to shift the extra weight as soon as possible.
Now I don't by any means count myself as a fitness expert, all I know is what kind of works for me as one of the disadvantages I've found of getting older is where once I could eat whatever I wanted without a moments thought those days are long gone & if I'm not careful the weight can quite quickly slip on. But that doesn't mean I'm prepared to starve myself as I love my food too much & heck life is for living right?! So after the pounds started to creep on I resolved to get fit - a term I don't use lightly as I was the girl at school that hated any form of exercise (apart from netball) & I think it's safe to say I've shocked myself as well as my loved ones at my love for running & keeping fit!
You can read all about my normal fitness routine here, which also now includes a weekly pilates session which I'm loving & have found very beneficial in terms of helping with some long term back pain.
So what would I say were my top tips for getting started are?!
Well firstly getting fit doesn't have to cost you a fortune, for example take up running & there's no gym membership! All you need is some appropriate clothing, including most importantly the right trainers & the rest is willpower. Half the battle is making the commitment & getting out there & the best way of doing this is to start with a friend. It definitely helped & continues to help me as there's always going to be days when the temptation to stay in bed that extra half an hour is too tempting but if you've arranged to meet up with someone you're less likely to cancel.
The other thing I would say is to go first thing of a morning - as soon as you get up. That way it's done & dusted before you can think of & you've got the rest of the day ahead of you. Plus come the lighter months it really is such a lovely way to start the day.
Then once you've got a route just set yourself small milestones of running a little further each time & alternating between running & walking the route before you eventually build up to running it in full.
If running isn't for you & you don't fancy joining a gym another great way of getting fit is investing in a Fitbit & tracking your steps. Either download some of your favourite fast beat tunes & get walking or go with a friend & get fit whilst having a chat.
Like I say I'm certainly no expert but the main thing is to find something that you enjoy (if enjoy is the right term!!) & fits in with your lifestyle. Then it's just a matter of being patient & committed.
Finally looking good helps you feel good, so I've put together my edit of the best & most stylish sportswear currently on the high street. As always just use the arrows to scroll through & click on individual pictures for more details.
Finally looking good helps you feel good, so I've put together my edit of the best & most stylish sportswear currently on the high street. As always just use the arrows to scroll through & click on individual pictures for more details.
Back to today & I'm keeping things really simple for a quiet one at home so it's an all black look with a little bit of 'Bet' for interest.
Necklace - Bought in Majorca
Jumper - Boden
Skirt - Marks & Spencer
Boots - Boden
Jumper - Boden
Skirt - Marks & Spencer
Boots - Next
So ladies what are your tips for keeping fit? Anyone found the magic formula & want to share? It's always nice to hear how others stay fit & keep motivated.
Enjoy your Sunday & as always I'll be back in the morning.
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