I TURN INTO A WOMAN AT NIGHT during deliverance; this man confessed to changing to a woman at night, goes out and ensures he sleeps with men. “I turn into a woman at night and sleep with other men as a way and condition of my rituals to become rich and powerful during the day. When it’s night, I do my rituals and then turn into a woman, go out and sleep with rich and powerful men whom I drain their wealth and very early in the morning, I turn back to my normal self as a man but I was surprised the other day I didn’t turn back to my normal self fully. I tried all I could but I couldn’t turn. This caused people to take me to the church for deliverance” he said. We are in the end times where people do all manner of things to make money and be powerful. And also to men that are consumed in immorality. Some of these women in miniskirts you see at night everywhere are fishes, snakes, animals and men as you can see here. May you be protected in Jesus name.