Making an appearance at a brand event, she battled with the wind, which threatened to flip her ruffled skirt upwards multiple times. Despite her best efforts, her safety shorts were revealed when a strong gust of wind caught her by surprise.
Sharing that she sometimes suffers from gastric pains, she added that her TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) physician advised her to drink chicken essence in order to help with her condition. In addition, she shared that she maintains her porcelain-like skin by making sure she consumes enough protein and drinks coconut oil, along with having sufficient sleep.
Chuckling, she added that she tends to lose her temper when she is sleep deprived and shared that it is likely that she did not get enough sleep the night before if she looks expressionless and doesn’t smile. As to whether she vents her anger on Vivian, she laughed, “I don’t!”
In addition, she shared that she is currently in the early stages of working on her upcoming album, which is only five per cent complete. She is currently in the midst of listening to demos and finalising the track list.
Source: Toggle